Much of this writting was influenced by two essays I had to write in highschool called the Litteracy narrative and the Auto-ethnography. It's essentially a close-reading and analysis of the internal creative process. I had a lot of fun writting it then, and digging it up to revist it has been quite fun as well.
In a lot of ways, I think of my conciousness as a tree or directed graph where every node is the thought or mental staste I couold be in, and I am an index of the current node. I generally have several small thoughts or ideas representend internally by a constant voice, and any numbetr of thoughts could lead me down another path into a different set of thought. It's very easy to go down these thought paths, but often can be quite hard to get back up, especially given the ammount of time I spent thinking of the prevois things or how long ago they were.
Many of my best ideas come from just quite thought, often accompied by pacing or trying to fall asleep. That said, only a fraction of these ideas will make it anywhere, and those that do, often get the short-end of the stick.
I prefer to keep a messy and functional workspae trather than a clean and empty one. I try When I have a big idea or thought that I need to get out immediatly, I try to as fast as I can, which often leads to clutter.
Thinking on it, my documents folders are often full of plain-text files hastily typed out containing the biggest and most important thoguht for ideas. Sometimes I'm on my phone and can'don'text quickly stash the biggest and least descriptive version of them in a trello board.
Punctuation and grammar also take a back sat, when I'm on the mental highway tree, I don't have time to really revise, for fear of loosing the most important aspects of the idea. If I do, I'm going to have to try to come up with it again or retraverse the confusing thought tree. I try to put as little interruption between my ideas and my writtings of them as possible. I often don't look at the screen, and often prefer to write in blank text files rather than something like a word document.
I want to garuntee that the structure and formats don't obstruct the content and ideas.