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How to Literally Rip your Website in Half!

Written Wed Aug 21 2024, Updated Wed Aug 21 2024
A guide to creating unique transition and graphical effects with HTML2Canvas, CSS animation and Javascript image composition.

I love websites with easer eggs, and when building this one, I knew I had to include something great. This site is home to my crowning achievement in web development. If you search around, you'll find it, but for those who can't, give the triangle logo a double click!

You'll step back in amazement as the entire site rips itself in two halves revealing a secret page dedicated to my fursona, Florian. Something like this might seem impossible without some intense Javascript behind the scenes, but it's not incredibly difficult, and can be modified in a myriad of ways to create some incredible effects.

The magic behind this effect is a library called HTML2Canvas. This library essentially generates a screenshot of the page by rendering it like an SVG to a canvas object. Once you have a screenshot of the current page, you can render the canvas on top of the whole page with CSS. To make unique effects, you can use all the power of the javascript canvas API or any image manipulation libraries you want to animate your effect.

Basic setup

I went through several steps to refine and tune my effect for good performance, smoothness, and compatibility. I would recommend reading the short HTML2Canvas documentation in addition to this guide, but I will explain exactly how to use it for anything you want to make.

The first thing you'll need is a function to trigger it, this could be a button, page load, or really anything you want. We'll just go with a button click to call the event

Getting a page screenshot

import html2canvas from 'html2canvas' // if you're working with node, otherwise, include it as a script tag

document.querySelector('#btn-effect').addEventListener(async () => {
    const pageRoot = document.body; // This is the element to "take a screenshot" of.
    const screenshot = await html2canvas(pageRoot, {
        imageTimeout: 0, // This disables the default delay
        scale: 1 // By default this uses the device's pixel ratio, but this will produce odd results on mobile
    // We now have a screenshot of the page in the form of a canvas element, to start, we'll just render it to the dom so you can see what you're working with = 'effect-canvas';

This will simply take a screenshot of the page and add it at the very end of the page. Next, we'll use CSS to make it cover the entire page. This should look identical to the starting position of the page, but the user will a screenshot of the page, rather than the page itself.

Rendering it over the page

#effect-canvas {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

Next, you can start animating your effect. This can be done with CSS for more simple effects (like mine) or Javascript, if you need to modify the image on a per-pixel basis.

My Effect, CSS based animation

To make my effect work, I use Javascript to split the image into two halves, render them each to the page, and then animate them with CSS. This effect does not draw the screenshot to the page, so remove that bit if you're following along.

const animationDuration = 3; // a variable that specifies how long the effect should last
//This is the equivilant of adding a CSS variable to the :root selector'--animation-duration') = animationDuration + 's';

// Create a left and right canvas element
const leftCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'left-canvas';
const rightCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'right-canvas';

const screenShade = document.createElement('div'); = 'screen-shade'; // This will create a sort of dark 'shade' to darken the page and make our animation stand out more. Very optional and can even be animated.

// Wait util they've been rendered and sized by CSS.
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    // We need to set the internal canvas demensions to the element's demensions.
    leftCanvas.width = leftCanvas.clientWidth;
    leftCanvas.height = leftCanvas.clientHeight;
    leftCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(screenshot, 0, 0); // This will draw a region of the screenshot to our canvas according to our specified starting point and dimensions.
    rightCanvas.width = rightCanvas.clientWidth;
    rightCanvas.height = rightCanvas.clientHeight;
    rightCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(screenshot, screenshot.width / 2, 0, screenshot.width / 2, 
    // This is the same as the other one, except this time we start in the middle of the image and go to the end.
    rightCanvas.height, 0, 0, rightCanvas.width, rightCanvas.height);

Next is the CSS that animates the two canvases moving across the screen in opposite directions

#left-canvas, #right-canvas {
    position: fixed;
    pointer-events: none; /* prevent the user from cling things on the page while the event plays */
    width: 50vw;
    height: 100vh;
    box-shadow: 0 0 15px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); /* This is just an optional dropshadow I think seperates the foreground and background well */
    animation-duration: var(--secret-duration);
    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
#left-canvas {
    animation-name: moveLeft;
    left: 0;
#right-canvas {
    animation-name: moveRight;
    left: 50%; /* Set the original position of the canvas */
/* These move both canvases across the screen in opposite directions */
@keyframes moveLeft {
    from { transform: translateX(0) }
    to { transform: translateX(-100%); display: none; }
@keyframes moveRight {
    from { transform: translateX(0) }
    to { transform: translateX(100%); display: none; }

#screen-shade {
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100vw;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); /* This will dim the page slightly */
    position: fixed;

This code uses the transform property, but you can just as well use any other method to animate the position of the element. However, most of the time, transform is the most performant as it is better optimized for animated graphics and doesn't have to redraw the whole DOM.

Triggering an event during the effect.

The purpose of mine was to create a unique, "secret doors" effect. One page opened up and revealed the secret. But you can use it to highlight whatever you want. Without a Javascript framework, it might be difficult to implement a page transition like that, because the transition elements exist outside the virtual DOM. But I will show you how I implemented it in Vue

Immediately after the effect starts, we can call a new page load like this anywhere in the code


Cleaning up

We can call some code after the event has finished. This should be exactly after our specified animationDuration has ellapsed.

setTimeout(() => {
    // Remove these elements from the DOM (even though they're technically invisible now)
}, animationDuration * 1000); // We multiply by 1000 to convert milliseconds to seconds.

More complicated effects

The previous example allows you to create some very neat, but rather simple effects. If you want per-pixel control, you'll have to modify the canvas every frame. You could also use something like p5.JS or some other animation library that can modify canvases, but I'm going to show how this can be done from scratch.

Setting up an animation loop

Because we're animating with Javascript, we'll need to handle the timing manually. Essentially what we need to do is call a function to draw to the canvas every time we want to render a new frame. This is just like a game loop

This post by Muffin Man goes into greater depths about creating responsive Javascript game loops if you'd like to learn more.

const renderInterval = (1 / 60) * 1000; // How often to draw a new frame. (based on 60fps)
let previousTime =;

function animateEffect() {
    const now =; // Get the current time
    const delta = (now - previous) / renderInterval; // Calculate how long it's been since the previous frame


    lastUpdate = now;


Compositing a frame

Now that we have a loop for drawing by calling the drawFrame function, we can actually create that function and start making our effect. This will most likely be done by either manipulating the original canvas or creating a new canvas and using image regions from the source canvas. I will show you how you can create my effect with these methods and one more, but that's where you get off and make your own effects. By compositing a screenshot of the image over-top of the actual page, you can create pretty much any effect you couldn't do with CSS.

const pageRoot = document.querySelector('#app');
let canvas = await html2canvas(pageRoot, {
    imageTimeout: 0
}); = 'secret-canvas';

const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Get the two halves
const leftHalf = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height);
const rightHalf = ctx.getImageData(canvas.width / 2, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

const dropShadow = 30, randomSpeedAdjustment = 140;
let delta = 0, prevTime = 0;
const speed = 200; // this alters the speed the halves move at.
let displacement = 0; // The position of our halves from the center
const renderInterval = (1 / 60)  * 1000;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply'; // This allows us to use things like drop shadows that build "layers" on the canvas
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)'; // By default fill shapes with semi-opaque black.
function rip(time) { // This function will continue to run until the effect has ended
    if (displacement <= canvas.width / 2) { // Instead of using a duration, we just go until it's done.
        const time =;
        const delta = (time - prevTime) / renderInterval;
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // we have to clear the canvas every frame because there is movement going on
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // darken the background to make the effect stand out
        // Draw the two sites side of the screenshot at its current position
        ctx.putImageData(leftHalf, -displacement, 0);
        ctx.putImageData(rightHalf, canvas.width / 2 + dis placement, 0);
        // Draw the drop-shadow as a sime-opaque rectangle
        ctx.fillRect(pageRoot.clientWidth / 2 - displacement - dropShadow, 0, dropShadow, canvas.height);
        ctx.fillRect(pageRoot.clientWidth / 2 + displacement, 0, dropShadow, canvas.height);
        const offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomSpeedAdjustment - -randomSpeedAdjustment + 1)) + -randomSpeedAdjustment; // generate a random number to add to the displacement, giving the effect a bit of "jitter" like the doors are quaking
        displacement += (speed + offset) * delta; // this sets the position of the halves.
        prevTime = time;
    } else {
        delete canvas;

As you can see, we're working with the canvas's ctx context object. Useful functions to work with your canvas are getImageData for storing parts of the image, putImageData for adding those image regions to the canvas, and drawRect for clearing the screen and drawing rectangles. fillRect can also be used to delete parts of the image by changing the fill color to fully transparent (rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)) and composition operation back to source-over.

It's also worth noting that you can use putImageData or drawImage. Supposedly putImageData is slower, but this seems disputed. If you want to use drawImage, you'll have to convert any image data from getImageData with createBitmapImage. drawImage also has some neat features like native drop shadows (so we wouldn't have to make them manually), but I couldn't get it working correctly on mobile devices.

By manipulating the displacement variable and drawing our objects at positions of it, we can create movement and animation. With these basic tools, you can pretty much create any transition/composition effect you can imagine right on the page.

If you build any interesting effects with this tutorial, please send them my way and I'll mention them in this article. If you have any questions, you can also email me and I'll do my best to help you out. Otherwise, have fun making neat effects for your websites!

Tessa Painter - 2022

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Site last updated Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:08:31 GMT