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One for the Junk Drawer

Written Tue Dec 19 2023

A tribute, a token, for my inspiration A thank-you, a trinket, stolen compensation A contract, a challenge with sporadic information Nothing special, pretentiously utilitarian.... Vaguely proletarian, irresistibly... Slovenly commodity, not bought by me Oh so Maliciously snagged Drying my sopping heart in rags Quietly captured, the fluttering enraptured A reason to rendezvous Perhaps to give it back to you Wistfully romantic, yet shockingly pragmatic Perhaps an indication, a commonality A reminder of what can never be Even still...

Boldly inscribing, Affirmative conformation Sparks lit, an artificial flame, Tricking my brain. Divination beholdend Its lusterous angles and weighty abbrasions

Just another lame guy, A nice try, a mocking echo of my cries Let it be forgotten, cast into the bottom deep in the drawers where projects go to die and I lose scraps of forgotten fodder Why even bother? A meager misplacable mechanism sold and routinely, predictably profane, yet I apologetically harbor no disdain

Nickels at my fingertips, brass in the air Free of charge, fickle, I'll pretend to care! Gillespie's Tunisia electric euphoria Expressly messy, Panacea. Melodic fields of the ferrous magnet's flow. I'm Dizzy Slashing discernlessly at wheat and chaff If only I could preserve that arc, capture that spark, and open the world's ears to my bark! Perhaps it's all just silly Mass produced, remarkably obtuse, invitations to try And I had it all in me the whole time

Tessa Painter - 2025

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